
Ethiopia: Police commissioners, officials given pink slips for failing to stop communal violence in Asosa

Engidu Woldie ESAT News - The Benishangul Gumuz regional administration has fired four security heads and 54 other officials for failing to stop a communal violence last week that has claimed the lives of 14 and inflicted injuries to over 70 people.

The regional police commissioner, Abdela Shehid; chief of the regional security, Dinsa Beyene; regional police commander, Ferede Boji and his deputy, Rejeb Ousmael have been fired.

Fifty-four people, including eleven police officers have been arrested and were being interrogated in connection with the violence last week, one of the deadliest in the region, according local media reports.

A source who spoke to ESAT last week said the indigenous people in the region known as the Bertas have launched the attacks against other ethnic groups, whom they called “Habeshas,” demanding they leave the region.

The source said police also shot and killed the non-indigenous, who were holding a counter protest against the attack by the Bertas.

The developments in Benishangul and similar incidents in other regions are feared to become a snag in the efforts of Dr. Ahmed, who has been touring regions, calling for restraint, forgiveness and peace among ethnic groups.

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