
Was Meles Zenawi a great leader? (Achamyeleh Tamiru)

Was Meles Zenawi a great leader? (Achamyeleh Tamiru)

It has become customary to hear the operatives of the TPLF apartheid regime and the journalists working for the system addressing Meles Zenawi as a great leader. 

It is really mind-boggling, flabbergasting and an insult to our intelligence to see the braindead abusing such a great concept that has been defined clearly by international bodies and law to be used as a barometer of exceptional intelligence, dedication to humanitarian pursuits and high character.

As we all know, Meles Zenawi was an ordinary bandit who stared his career by robbing the People's bank, the commercial bank of Ethiopia, burning down poor framers huts, crops and stealing aid money to buy weapons for their fight to secede from Ethiopia.

A great leader is a distinct international concept that is measured in terms of indicators, by utilizing criterion, just like we measure height using a stadiometer, weight using a weighing scale, temperature using a thermometer or student performance using a test score.

According to a new study by The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), the following are the qualities that make someone a Great Leader;

  1. Lead By Example
  2. Integrity
  3. Creativity
  4. Knowledge
  5. Provide for Autonomy
  6. High Standards
  7. Humility
  8. Confidence
According to the study, even though there are many powerful and successful leaders of the world, none of them have exhibited all of these character traits. But there are some good leaders of the world who do leverage at least some of the above characteristics of a great leader.

Nonetheless, over the last two decades, there was no single African leader who can be considered as a good leader let alone to be taken as a great one. In other words, the TPLF "ayatullah" Meles Zenawi was not a good leader let alone to be called a great leader. 

He doesn't qualify any of the above 8 traits of a great leader. After all, had he been a great leader, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation would have not been in a big trouble in 2012, while he was alive, to get a short list of good African leaders with exceptional and transformative leadership for its annual prize.

So, if Meles Zenawi doesn't qualify any of the above internationally accepted traits of a great leader, what are the qualities of him, other than the ones mentioned above, that make him a great leader? 

Can the operatives of the regime tell us their version of the qualities of "a great leader" they have been using so far to exalt their imbecile to the corner of God?

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