
Amhara delegates to visit Eritrea again (EP)

Amhara delegates to visit Eritrea again

A delegation led by the Speaker of the Amhara Regional State will visit Eritrea from September 13th to 17th.

The delegation consists of 20 members including religious leaders, youth leaders, and the region politicians.

The purpose of the visit is to strengthen people to people ties.

The State of Amhara consists of 10 administrative zones, one special zone, 105 woredas, and 78 urban centres. The capital city of the State of Amhara is Bahir Dar.

The State of Amhara is divided mainly by three river basins, namely the Abbay, Tekezze, and Awash drainage basins. The Blue Nile (Abbay) river is the largest of all covering approximately 172,254 Km2. Its total length to its junction with the White Nile in Khartoum is 1,450 Km, of which 800 km is within Ethiopia.

The drainage basin of the Tekeze river is about 88,800 km2. In addition, Anghereb, Millie, Kessem, and Jema are among the major national rivers, which are found in this region.

Tana, the largest lake in Ethiopia is located at centre of the region. It covers an area of 3,600 km2. Besides, other crater lakes like Zengeni, Gudena Yetilba, Ardibo (75km2) and Logia (35 km2) are small lakes that are found in the region.

The rivers and lakes of the region have immense potential for hydroelectric power generation, irrigation and fishery development.

Walia ibex, Semien fox, Gelada-baboon, Grey Duiker, Klipspringer, Hyenas and Crocodile are among the twenty-one species (three endemic) that are found in the region, especially at the Semien mountain national park. Wild fowls, Francolins, Pelicans, Cranes, Ibises, and Stocks are among the birds that are found in the region.

The 12th-century Rock-Hewn churches of Lalibela (a must visit), and the palaces in Gondar the world known heritages of the country. 

The traditional mural paintings and handcraft, the preserved corpse of the royalty found in the ancient monasteries in Lake Tana, as well as the Semien mountains national park, which shelters the endemic Walia ibex are spectacular tourist attractions.  

Three tourist attractions found in the region are registered in the UNESCO list of world heritage. Besides these known heritages, the Blue Nile Falls, the caves and unique stones in northern Shewa, and the Merto Le Mariam church are special tourist attractions.

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