
Is Ekuru Aukot seeking justice at The Hague?

Thirdway Party leader Dr Ekuru Aukot is at The Hague in Netherlands for purposes he has not made public. The Standard established that Dr Aukot left the country on Sunday morning to the Netherlands and is expected back over the weekend. Posts on his Instagram page confirmed that he is at The Hague.

We could not confirm why the lawyer is at The Hague but reports claim he could be seeking justice for the victims of the 2017 election violence and the Isiolo and Turkana killings.

Speculation that he is disturbed by police killings one community Isiolo. He recently termed the Isiolo killings as genocide. Our calls to the Secretary General Fredrick Okango and the National Chairman Mr Miruru Waweru to confirm the same went unanswered. On Monday, Aukot was not at the launch of the book The Failed Quest for Electoral Justice by John Onyando at Hotel Intercontinental, Nairobi, to where he had been invited by the National Human Rights Commission.

The book highlights the Opposition's quest for justice after the 2017 elections. The chief guest at that event was Ugandan opposition leader Dr Kizza Besigye and former Chief Justice Dr Willy Mutunga. Aukot ran for president in the 2017 General Election came a distant third after NASA's Raila Odinga. He conceded defeat to President Uhuru in the October repeat poll and urged him to unite the country.

In the recent past the Third way Party leader has been very vocal about insecurity in northern-eastern Kenya, corruption and the cost of living. In Isiolo, border clashes have led to closure of schools and destruction of property. Early this month, three people were shot dead in Eldera, near the Isiolo-Garissa border with 250 others displaced over boundary row.

There have been rising cases of killings in Turkana's troubled Kapedo area even after President Uhuru ordered a shoot-to-kill instructions against bandits terrorising the area. Earlier this month, Aukot asked the Government Spokesman Eric Kiraithe to apologise to Kenyans or face sacking for speaking in favour of the Chinese managing the Standard Gauge Railway after The Standard exposed their mistreatment of Kenyan workers. In a statement, Aukot termed Kiraithe's statement as 'ridiculous and careless'.

Source - Standard Reporter

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