
Two in trouble over social media slur on Prophet Owuor - By ANNETTE WAMBULWA

A Nairobi court has allowed the police to search the houses of two critics of Prophet David Owuor.

The two are accused of running a smear campaign against the evangelist and his ministry of Repentance and Holiness on social media.

Kevin Kiriga and Paul Akhonya are being investigated on allegations "they wrote and uttered words deemed abusive and hurtful to members of the ministry."

Early this month, magistrate Ben Nzakyo issued the search warrants to Constable Mohammed Amin to search the said homes and offices.

"It is necessary to order PC Mohammed Amin to gain entry and search the premises of Kevin Kiriga and Paul Akhonya for the purposes of collecting any electronic computing devices that may have been used in committing the offence," the order reads.

While applying for the search warrant, Amin said they are investigating the two social media users for writing and uttering words with intent to wound religious feelings contrary to Section 138 of the Penal Code.

In an affidavit filed in court, Amin said that they received a complaint from Julius Ondego Mulera on behalf of Prophet Owour on May 24.

The complainant said they received abusive and insulting videos and messages on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms that are inciting the prophet's congregation.

According to the police, the hateful videos and messages are being circulated by Kiriga on Facebook and Akhonya on youtube.

The Prophet held a mega two day crusade at Uhuru Park that was graced by thousands of his supporters from across the country.

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