


This is the way I understand and see one of the very recent tragic happenings in our country:

Following the Federal Police statement or report, so many and so different views and comments are being circulated around the very tragic death of engineer Simegnew Bekele. 

It has to be underscored that this is neither beyond expectation nor unhealthy. It is something to be expected and to be taken as a healthy thing as long as it is handled in such a way that it could lead to an irrefutable (undeniable) fact and truth.

It is not wrong to be doubtful and to present our demand to the government (the Police) and urge them to come up with a complete finding including what made the engineer commit suicide. 

Yes, it is the right thing to put a maximum pressure on the Police/government that it is absolutely necessary not to leave any stone unturned and make the case crystal clear and greatly teachable as far as how justice should be served is concerned.

It makes sense to let the Police know that it should be as effective and transparent as it is expected to be so in its investigative undertakings.

It is the right thing to seriously remind the Police that because of the very ugly political atmosphere in the country, things are overshadowed by a very thick and poisonous political cloud, and there is a desperate need to be as meticulously (extremely careful) and clear as possible.

It is quite right and legitimate to urge the Police/ government that even if the engineer could take his own life, there is a desperate need to go into the very bottom of the reasons or causes behind this tragic happening. 

I strongly believe that this should be the way the people need to be reactive or responsive, not over- reactive and unconstructively responsive.

On the other side of the story;

The very argument that the engineer cannot make a serious mistake as any human being for any reason he might have in his mind, and cannot take his own life does not make sense at all. 

Because this kind of action is not a matter of being popular or famous in any type of status at all. 

It is a tragic action that can happen to any human being regardless of his or her status in a society as the result of his or her own reason in his or her mind. 

To take this case of the engineer as an exception, there is a compelling need to reveal a very vivid and concrete or beyond doubt evidence.

So, the very much generalized or politically motivated mind- set or way of thinking that the engineer cannot kill himself does not make sense at all. 

It is better to try to present our demand to the Police to go into the very bottom of the case and come up with a complete finding and make it irrefutable as well as teachable moment.

Trying to automatically dismiss and reject the Police report because it did not fit our highly politicized expectations is terribly wrong. It is absurd to automatically call the report a political conspiracy without presenting any evidence of counter –evidence of ours.

It is true that because of the horribly messed up politics in our country, we are victims of politicizing everything. We are in a very sad situation to the extent of losing any trust among ourselves let alone with institutions that are still suffering from the very evil-guided political agenda and action of EPRDF. 

That is the very reason why we are in a state of total denial of what the Police is doing or discharging its duty including this specific case of engineer Simegnew Bekele.

So, if we are genuine and serious enough about this horrible mistrust and distrust, we have to exert much more concerned struggle and make a fundamental change of a system that can make Ethiopia a country of justice, democratic freedom, transparency, responsibility, accountability, mutual understanding and mutual trust. 

We remain victims of terribly messed up situation until we accomplish this very tough but desperately indispensable mission. I hope we will and can do!

Making big noises, engaging in terrible decry and cry about the occurrences of horrible things here and there will never take us anywhere!!!

I strongly argue and believe that especially those media which have relatively good credibility and popular support such as ESAT need to be extra -cautious whenever they discuss on these kinds of both legally and politically extremely sensitive issues. 

I understand the very provocative if not tempting political atmosphere going on in our country. But there is a desperate need from the very side of those media not lose the very necessity of keeping the balance 

between informing the people and creating awareness on the one hand, and engaging in an extremely sensitive issue of legal matters which is of course suffering from a highly inflammable and toxic political atmosphere.
Yes, we are in a very tough and highly emotional political atmosphere. 

But I truly believe we can deal with it in a very sense of civility, maturity, rationality, tolerance, and farsightedness!!! 

I hope justice will be served as far as this very tragic death of the engineer is concerned!!!

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