
I will never stop promoting humanity - Obang Metho

Obang Metho

I will never stop promoting humanity because I am human first. Ethnic identity politics will never brings justice, freedom & sustainable peace because its promotes division and preferential treatment.  

Preferential treatment is not only unacceptable and wrong, it is immoral. It is a model that is built on greed,self-interest, pride,corruption,oppression and lack of empathy for others.  

It has been doomed to failure from the beginning as were other preceding regimes like the TPLF who were built on the same shaky foundation.  

We have created a cycle of destruction & deception for ourselves that should be discarded if we do not want to keep repeating our mistakes and perpetuating our suffering.  

If we are to break out of this vicious-cycle of ethnic hatred politics, we need to rise up out of our silence, something that will make a bridge of reconciliation between ourselves and other Ethiopians in this very divided Ethiopia.  

This is also for our own protection because somehow,we must heal the animosities that have built up over the past many years so when the ethnic based parties collapses,our future together in Ethiopia is secure and harmonious.

In doing so,we are preparing the way for a new and better future for all our children & grandchildren

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