
An Open Letter to Star Tribune on Prime Minster Abyi Visit at Minneapolis !!!

An Open Letter to Star Tribune on Prime Minster Abyi Visit at Minneapolis !!!

Dear Star Tribune
Minnesota, USA
I read your piece on the Ethiopian Prime Minister visit at your city on July 30.

This schedule is in addition to his official schedule of July 29 and 30 at Washington DC and Los Angeles respectivley.

The Minnesota City Council calls for Abyi Ahmed to stop the bloodshed between the Oromo and Somali ethnic nationalities in Ethiopia is commendable.

That tension should have affected the two communities in Minnesota too and it is appropriate for the city council asking the prime minister for his intervention.

Those of us who follow Ethiopia have been calling for the last 27 years the USA government not to endorse Ethnic Federalism because it is very dangerous for Ethiopia more than 80 ethnic nationalities to be put into nine Ethnic Kilils/states.

The Somali Kilil has ethnically cleansed almost one million Oromos this year.
More than 800 thousand Gedeo nationalities were forced out from Oromo Kilil few months ago.

Such ethnic cleansing started in Gonder and Wolo north Ethiopia to create the currentTigray Kilil by incorporating fertile land more than 25 years ago.

What we witness now is a continuation of the disastrous Ethnic Federalism imposed on people of Ethiopia by four ethnic paries of EPRDF.Abyi Ahmed took over the leadership more than four months ago.

The Oromo diaspora in Minnesota supports ethnic federalism using their satellite TV OMN spreading news to strength their future independent country called Oromya.

Regarding the Oromos displaced they accused the Somali police led by Abdi Illy disregarding similar operation by Oromo militia on the Gedeo nationalities.

They are now spreading news on how to reclaim Addis Ababa as their capital to be renamed Finfine.

The five million Addis Ababeans have no right other than submit to Oromo takeover according to the OMN director Jawar Mohammed this month warning.

Prime Minister Abyi popularity throughout Ethiopia is because of his call for Ethiopian identity first before ethnicity.

I am going to Washington DC on July 29 to support Prime Minster Abyi Ahmed after denouncing his predecessors ethnic politics for 27 years.

Minnesota city council call for peace between Oromo and Somali communities is undermined by Tribal media like OMN which are endangering Ethiopia and more than 100 citizens by calling for Creation of a new Oromo Republic by brute force. They should be stopped !!!!!!

Tedla Asfaw

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