
The Ethiopians and change - by Yilma Bekele

There is a new reality in Ethiopia. After over forty years of darkness today we can see a ray of sunlight not strong but enough to give us hope. It is not surprising the new situation has left us confused and grasping for answers from any passerby. We are very grateful but unsure who to thank for this fortunate situation.

Of course you realize that evil Woyane did not one day decide enough oppression and just left the seat do you? No it did not happen like that. Millions of Ethiopians worked hard and long with the still standing replacing a fallen comrade to bring about our new found flirtations with freedom. The job that started to stop the Military Junta’s form of Fascism fifty years ago today is dealing a death blow to tribalist Woyane. Let us hope tomorrow is a new day in our ancient land.

There is no part of Ethiopia that has not risen up against Woyane or instigated by Woyane to carry out ethnic cleansing against its own neighbor. That was our reality for a quarter century. We did not take it lying down. The Ethiopian people sabotaged Woyane in more ways than we can think of. They kept the mafia group on edge all the time and forced it to spend millions on internal security. They formed political Parties that witnessed the sacrifice of many leaders. That did not stop another brave Ethiopian to defy the odds and confront Woyane.

The ‘Diaspora’ as they used to call us was another front that sapped the strength of the ethnic group. We never left a stone unturned looking for ways to undermine the mafia group. We formed support organizations to those that were on the battlefront. We raised a lot of money for the cause. Like in Ethiopia the road here is littered with organizations, associations, groups that show the paw prints of Woyane that has liberally used tax payers and donated money to disrupt, undermine or marginalize our effort. It did not stop us.

Just look at the face of our struggle today! ESAT our formidable weapon is the goto place to be informed, educated and entertained by Ethiopians on seven continents. ESAT forced Woyane to spend millions on their feeble attempt to block us, money that would have gone to the security or Woyane pocket. 

ESAT is our first child. The arrival OMN (Oromo Media Network) was another child of our relentless struggle. Arbegnoch Ginbot 7 the dread of Woyane is based outside. It has played both official and behind the scene roles in sharpening the discussion and uniting the opposition without much drama. The larger than life leadership by our Chairman Dr. Berhanu provided gravitas and moral center to our cause and we scored victories in all international venues isolating Woyane.

What changed today that is making our long struggle come to fruition? Why and how did Woyane run out of steam is a good question. It is the efforts of millions relentless soldiers of freedom that finally showed how naked Woyane is. The Oromo people paid a heavy price in combating the mercenary regime. The Oromo Youth showed formidable strength against the onslaught of a drunken criminal regime. The people of Gondar declared their solidarity with their Oromo brethren and Woyanes fate was sealed. Woyane was disarmed.

The wonderfully beautiful love affair between the two did not materialize out of thin air. The protest march in Gondar with all the intelligent placards shows smart design at work. That march could be considered a pivotal moment that poked a big hole in Woyane’s Mamo Kilo story book the Capo left behind. The Diaspora contributed plenty towards this dialogue. We refused to be goaded by Woyane to oppose and rant about another Ethiopian. Some went farther and worked tirelessly to bring our people together. 

I would be remiss if I do not mention the likes of Dr. Getachew Begashaw, Major Dawit W. Giorgis, Dr. Lencho bati and Dr. Beyan Asoba among others that worked with bold vision. They affirmed the commonness of our peoples struggle. Its echo was heard by all peace loving Ethiopians.

The issues raised by our people that toppled the Imperial regime are now being brought out to be addressed. The question of the Constitution, the perplexing issue of land and the most important concept of political Freedom are on the table once again. I will not elevate ‘Kilil’ as an issue. It was created by Woyane to saw division and prolong its short life. It has become irrelevant each passing day. You see we are back to square one.

It is not all lost. The Fascist Derg and tribalist Woyane have left us wiser and stronger. Compared to Woyane the Derg was a picnic. I do not mean to belittle the pain caused by Mengistu and company. That wound has not healed yet. If ever something could go more wrong after that nightmare it was the arrival of TPLF Woyane. 

They just did not threaten our family like before they questioned our glorious history. They woke up the sleeping giant. Their hatful and unwise action proved to us that our people, our country and our existence would not allow us to self destruct. No one can destroy Ethiopia. It is so written. Do not cry about disintegration again!

So we have survived and are working hard to extricate ourselves from the spider web Woyane has constructed. It is not a simple matter. It has taken them over twenty five years to design our destruction. We have to be careful how we disarm the many landmines planted all over. You see it is not a simple job to be done without deep thinking.

From what I observe among my people I am afraid the gravity of the situation has not sunk in yet and the fact that it takes time to clear the air and define a road map is not discussed enough. The new PM God bless him has been a good point of inspiration for our beaten people. The job has just began. If one is willing for the PM to succeed than the best thing to do is organize and help him. Scattered noise is not effective.

The new PM speaks of love, unity, rule of law and a new way of thinking. Are we Ethiopians ready to practise that? Nothing stopped us before, why do you think it would happen now? Well Woyane brought out the evil and ugly inside of us but were they an excuse or that was the real us?

Woyane did not abuse our people and country alone. They were the architects but do you think we played a supporting role? We did. That is the part of us that we have to fight to stay true to the cause of freedom and democracy. One has to silence the little voice that always brings out personal interest to override the needs of the many?

There is a people’s march scheduled in Ethiopia this coming Saturday. It is proof we have come a long way. Now we are marching in support of a leader not against one. What a turn of events and all in one lifetime. Woyane made us march in silence, candle light, in the snow, and under the the hot sun all in protest. We were conquered on Tuesday May 28, 1991. The new PM took office on Monday April 2nd, 2018. 

They occupied our land as a Warlord Nine thousand eight hundred and six days or twenty six years, ten months and five days. Not a long time in the history of our ancient motherland. They were truly a shooting star. Just another uncultured horde of invaders. Barbarians, need I say more?

So while we celebrate our new Freedom to march what do you think we should have a few issues that express our true feelings. Things like Political Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Due process of law, and adhering to the UN Charter regarding the rights of individuals should be brought out as a start. Woyane tried to build a house with sand as a foundation. We urge PM Abey to build the new Ethiopia on a bedrock of Freedom, Democracy and the sanctity of human life.

We also have to understand we write the future together. It is not about one person. It is about the cause of building a strong Nation that will serve generations to come. This Freedom we are looking at is the result of sacrifices by untold Ethiopians. The system snapped due to the pressure we applied both inside and out. Why it took long is what we have to look at and correct fast. But we Ethiopians earned this freedom. This African American song about freedom says it all.

Freedom isn’t given; it is taken
Freedom isn’t free; it’s earned
I know it’s learned
Been hung and burned
Yet rest in peace
Resurrect it please

No matter how much each of us have contributed to the cause we we are humbled by those that paid with their life. The way to pay them and honor their sacrifice is by aiming to accomplish what they started. In this time of euphoria there is all kinds of talk of forgiveness and being generous. 

It is a little difficult to understand. Why would the victim raise that point point when the perpetrator hasn’t said anything? Not a peep not a word. Are we trying hard as usual to walk the extra mile? Is that wise? How could there be closure without the truth being told. Go back and observe what the German people did about the Nazi and learn.

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