
Ethiopia: Protests Escalate in Hawassa, Fatalities Reported

Days of unrest in Hawassa in southern Ethiopia has left multiple fatalities and many injured after Sidama protesters’ demand for their own regional state was accompanied by violence, according to the Ethiopia Observer.
Ethiopian security forces are trying to control the situation after hotels and businesses were attacked, a resident said. “We have been hearing gun shots the entire afternoon,” they said in the evening of June 14. At least one person died in unknown circumstances on June 13. Adare Hospital is “crowded” and there are more than 50 seriously injured people at Hawassa Referral Hospital, the witness, who did not want to be named, said.
“Those who are orchestrating the chaos are from the native people of Sidama and they are claiming the land belongs to them only and any other clan should be kicked out. Houses are raided since yesterday. They are breaking into homes and stealing property and beating people,” they said.
Recent violence occurred in the aftermath of the cultural Chamabalala festival and has included attacks on Wolayta people, who are from the same region, the witness said.
Source: Ezega

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