
President Isaias's Visit to Ethiopia Successfully Ends with Opening of Eritrean Embassy

  • A peace deal that is an example to people across Africa.
  • Thank you to the leadership and people of Ethiopia for your beautiful hospitality.
Nearly after two decades, Eritrea reopens its Embassy in Addis Ababa (pictured) in the presence of President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed one week after the leaders declared their “state of war” over.

The peace deal has made Ethiopia, a landlocked country of 100 million people with the largest economy in East Africa, to have access to Eritrea’s ports.

According to the peace deal, both countries will work to promote close cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural & security areas, as well as implementing the Algiers's border decision.

The Eritrean delegate has departed Addis Ababa today.

Source - Eritrean Press

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